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A concise review of serum markers for hepatocellular cancer

BACKGROUND: The rising incidence of hepatocellular cancer in the US and worldwide has sparked a renewed interest in HCC serum markers. HCC typically develops in patients with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. It is in these target populations that serum markers are most urgently needed. Unfortunately, the currently available markers lack sensitivity and specificity. A number of novel candidate markers have recently been introduced. METHODS: We performed a review of the literature (2001-2006) of traditional and novel serum markers for hepatocellular cancer. RESULTS: Several promising new HCC markers have been identified over the past 5 years. They include single proteins, complex proteomics features, and tumor-specific autoantibodies. The excitement about the new markers is tempered by the realization that none of them have yet met the most stringent criteria defined by the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN). CONCLUSION: A new generation of HCC serum markers awaits validation in properly controlled clinical studies.